Trainers & Coaches

Our FAST® Trainers and Institute Coaches are critical to the implementation, expansion, and success of programs across the country. Trainers and coaches work individually with new sites, sharing their years of expertise with our on-the-ground providers, including intensive training, coaching, and ongoing support, in order to help deliver strong outcomes for children and families.

Christopher J. Daniel

Sr. FAST Trainer Supervisor

Institute Coach


Donetta Bracey

Sr. FAST Trainer Supervisor

Institute Coach


Rick Jackson

Sr. FAST Trainer Supervisor



Eira Yates

FAST Trainer

Institute Coach


Darlene V. Byrd

FAST Trainer Supervisor

Institute Coach


Marilyn Ruffin

FAST Trainer

Institute Coach


Fabiola Avila

FAST Trainer

Institute Coach


Glenda McMiller

FAST Trainer

Institute Coach


Marlen Perez

FAST Trainer Supervisor

Institute Coach



Nichole Christiansen

FAST Trainer Supervisor

Institute Coach



                 Rachael Wichgers
                          FAST Trainer
                        Institute Coach